Tuesday, February 12, 2008

We just might have a thumb sucker... OH NO!

So lately Ricks has been sucking his fist, which is fine. The last few days he has found his thumb. I'm not quite sure how I feel about it. Lance thinks it's so cute. Bella has noticed Ricks's thumb in his mouth and noticing the attention he is getting from it. So tonight when he was sucking his thumb I decided I needed to take a picture of it... I look over at Bella eating her dinner and I notice she is sucking her thumb and yelling "Mama Mama!" The sweet thing decided that if she would suck her thumb she would get a picture too.


{jane} said...

I've had a couple of my kids go through "thumb-sucking" stages, but none of mine did it for very long. So, the habit could pass as quick as it came. If it does stay, call a dentist to see what they recommend doing to stop the habit...but the pictures are CUTE!

Erin said...

i think it's adorable! as long as they are not 8 with buck teeth then its cute!

BriAnne said...

That is so hilarious! I know it is bad for their teeth, but can it get any cuter??? Seriously! You have the most darling kids! Just like their mommy! I miss you, girl!