Sunday, March 23, 2008

Could I love this little girl more...

Here is our little Bella and some of the things she really enjoys doing... vacuuming
dumping doritos
being helpful while doing laundry...
really enjoying her dinner and wearing it too...


jen said...

So Li came up to me after church today and told me he has a new girlfriend. He said he shared goldfish crackers with her and that she held his index finger. She is sooo cute!! I think we both have a crush on her.

{jane} said...

Isn't this such a busy age, Sela demands to do everything herself, which equals mess! Thank goodness they're so cute, huh?!?

I love Bella IN the dryer!

Noelle said...

Now I have to know, did Bella climb in the washing machine or did you guys put her in there? Either way she and Bodie are adorable.

Erin said...

she is so hillarious. ew im getting dirty...with a speck of paint on her. what a girl!